A telecommunication firm intends to invest Sh 8.5 billion into laying fibre optic network along the Lamu Port-Southern
Sudan-Ethiopia Transport Corridor (LAPSSET) routes.
Liquid Telecom Group chief commercial officer Paul Statham said the project
is still at proposal stage.
Mr Statham added that once approved by the relevant authorities, the project will see free Wi-Fi and other wireless distributed
along the LAPSETT corridor from Lamu to Turkana.
Speaking in Lamu during a consultative meeting with Lamu county executive members over a similar proposal for the
county, Mr Statham said the project will enable countries spearheading LAPSETT
project to also attain technological advancement through reliable, high-speed,
cost-effective voice and data services for investments and economical growth.
Liquid Telecom Group Business Development manager
William Oungo(Left), Lamu county deputy governor Eric Mugo(center) and Liquid Telecom Group chief commercial officer
Paul Statham(Right) during a consultative meeting at KPA hall on possibility to
start $ 2 miillion fibre optic network project in Lamu county.Photo
Mr Statham said in Kenya, counties such as Lamu, Garissa, Isiolo and Turkana among
others will benefit heavily
once the fibre optic network will operational.
The firm’s Business Development manager William Oungo added that they have
shared the idea with LAPPSETT authority adding that they are hopefully that the
concept will be endorsed before the commencement of the Lamu port.
Liquid Telecom Group chief commercial officer added that already through its
Kenya based subsidiary, Kenya Liquid Telecom, they have allocated $50 million
towards similar projects in all 47 counties.
He said they have already completed building Sh 175 million data
connectivity project in Siaya County that will help the
underdeveloped area spur in technological advancement and investments.
He said the firm has also helped Nakuru County to reignite its failed free
Wi-Fi project around 20 kilometre radius at a tune of $ 2 million which he said
will be re-launched this month.
Mr Statham said to avert vandalism of fibre optic cables for internet use,
fibre towers will be built closer to the population settlements and link them
to Wi-Fi nodes to help population have access to free internet connectivity to
increase mobile phone connectivity in such areas.
He said fibre optic network has turned to be the latest necessities required
both by local and international investors after security, water, power and road
Liquid Telecom Group has invested $20 million (Ksh1.75 billion) which has
seen the installation of 17,000 kilometres of fibre optic cable across Kenya,
Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi, the largest of its kind in Africa.